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The All Time Backpack Hunting Gear List

The All Time Backpack Hunting Gear List

Going hunting is easier said than done. A beginner should know that packing their hunting backpack randomly is not the right thing to do. For a hunter, being light and being prepared can be said to be as important as air. Forgetting gear can hamper an expedition in no small way. Knowing where and how to prepare is important and can greatly determine how successful the entire venture becomes. Below is a backpack hunting gear list that is suited to most conditions and terrains. The list is made according to different important points in an expedition. It is worth taking note of the fact that one doesn’t necessarily need to acquire all the items listed below in order to enjoy a comfortable, safe and successful hunt. Depending on where you are hunting and the type of hunt you are engaging in, you can exclude one or two of the items in this list since you might not need them. This is in order to keep your pack light and purely “need” based.
All Time Backpack Hunting Gear List

First and Foremost Gear and Accessories

There are certain items, whose absence can easily render almost all manners of hunting expeditions fruitless. And these items are listed below:

  • Hunting Backpack: This is clearly one of the most important items on the gear list. Since this will carry almost all your gear, you should select your hunting backpack carefully. For a big hunting trip, a small hunting backpack won’t do, and for a little hunting trip a full-sized hunting backpack is unnecessary. These days there are numerous kinds of hunting packs designed with features to enhance your comfort in the field. These packs come with all manners of sizes, styles and accessory fitting capabilities, thereby leaving you spoilt for choice. But since a pack is one of the important gears that determine how successful your hunt ends up being, we recommend you take your time to carefully choose the hunting pack that is right for you. But how do you achieve that? You can check out the following very insightful posts: The Top Hunting Backpack Reviews and Things to Consider before Buying a Hunting Backpack. These posts will furnish you with a great deal of information about some of the best hunting backpacks on the market and how to spot them.
  • Hunting knife: Regardless of what type of hunting a hunter is going to be engaging in, they should always arm themselves with a good sized, user-friendly and good quality hunting knife. A good hunting knife has the ability to serve multiple purposes and can be used for field dressing activities such as skinning, gutting, butchering, etc your kill. Aside that, the hunting knife can also be used for other activities such as cutting ropes, digging holes, cutting branches, and self defense. Without a shred of doubt, the knife is one of the most important arsenals you need to have on you in the field, and as a result of that you need to make sure that whatever knife you go for is a very durable one that has the ability stand all kinds of abuse. There are different types of hunting knives available on the market. Some hunters prefer fixed blade hunting knives while others prefer folding blade hunting knives. Before you buy any hunting knife, you should consider your options.
  • Hunting Rifle: Choosing the right rifle matters a lot since this is the primary weapon for many hunters and it can decide how successful or unsuccessful your hunt is. Owing to this, it is imperative that you go in for a quality hunting rifle – one that best suits you and would be excellent for you in the field. But sometimes in a market flooded with different kinds of firearms, finding the right one can be quite difficult. We are well aware of that, and that is why we prepared this insightful guide for you: Best Hunting Rifle Reviews with Buying Guide. The guide will help in making you aware of what you are exactly after so that you don’t waste your money buying something that doesn’t meet your needs. Besides getting a weapon that would suit your needs in the field, there’s also the need to frequently devote a good amount of time in properly servicing your weapon. The last thing you want to experience during your hunt is your firearm disappointing you when you need it the most!

  • Rifle sling: If you are going to be hunting with a gun, then you need a rifle sling. Why are slings important? They are important because they allow you to comfortably carry your hunting rifle or shotgun while at the same time allowing you to easily control it in order to increase your likelihood of hitting your target. These days, hunting backpacks come fitted with gun scabbards for safely carrying your riffles. If your backpack comes with such a feature, then you might not really need a sling.
  • Ammunition: Of course taking ammo with you as you head out is as important as arming yourself with a weapon or wearing a pair of boots. Virtually every hunter knows this, which is why it is one of the first things they remember to add to their gear lists. But one common mistake a lot of hunters make with regard to ammo is not taking a sufficient amount. And running out of ammo in the middle of a hunt is one of the worst things you can ever encounter in the field. So what do we recommend? We simply advice that you always take more ammunition than you think you will need out there.
  • Game Bags: It is a fact that the average hunter goes out hunting in order to make a kill and pack out meat. We believe you also have the same goal. Whether or not you believe you will make a kill at the end of the day, it is very important for you to go with your game bags. They virtually have no significant weight and so carrying them won’t be a problem. But should you be blessed with a kill, no gear will be able to do the job of helping you carry your game with ease and comfort than these bags. In addition to that, these bags help save you from staining yourself, backpack, and your other gear with the blood from your kill.
  • Electronic decoys and game calls: If you want to enjoy success during your hunting expedition, then a good electronic decoy or game call should definitely accompany your hunt.  Game calls and decoys are very excellent instrument that most hunters use to draw their game out easily. Check out The Best Electronic Game Call Reviews to discover a few things you need to know before selecting an electronic game call.

Optics and Navigation

These days, no hunting backpack gear list can be said to be complete without the inclusion of excellent optics and navigation devices. It is for this reason that we have taken it upon ourselves to introduce to you some of the important items in this category that should accompany you on your trip.

  • Hunting Camera: A hunting camera or trail camera is essential for spying on an intended area for game activity. It is a useful tool for hunters as it helps one to identify the movement patterns of wildlife. Most game cameras can record short videos as well as capture photos. Check out The Best Hunting Camera Reviews and Before Buying A Trail Camera, A Few Things You Need to Know.
  • Hunting Binoculars: Binoculars are an essential accessory to all gun owners and hunters. A pair of binoculars helps to increase your accuracy when aiming at your target, giving you a great advantage. Read The Top Hunting Binocular Reviews With Detail Features.
  • Hunting Rangefinder: Rangefinders are important if one is on an expedition where game can be located a few hundred yards away. This can prove to be one of the best investments you’d ever make with regard to your hunting adventures. A rangefinder is used with a camera or firearm to allow you easily estimate the distance of your target, thereby increasing your likelihood of enjoying accurate shots. Check out The Top Hunting Rangefinders in the Market.
  • Spotting Scope: Spotting scopes have the same benefits as binoculars and are completely dependent on the user’s choice. This single eyepiece device may weigh significantly less than a pair of fully equipped binoculars. There are lots of different spotting scopes in today’s market. So, we wrote The Top Shooting Spotting Scope Reviews to ensure that you get the best equipment for your needs. And Remember Those Things Before Buying Shooting Spotting Scope.
  • Thermal rifle scope: If you are going to be hunting under the cover of darkness for animals that have nocturnal behaviors such as hogs, coyotes, etc, then the only optical devices that can help you are thermal rifles scopes (thermal scope or a night vision scope). Why are these devices invaluable for hunting at night? They are relevant for a hunter who hunts at night simply because they are the only optical devices that have the ability to provide the hunter with the unique opportunity of clearly seeing targets (animals) at night. When choosing a thermal rifle scope, it is imperative that you look for such important features as durability, lens quality, objective lens size, battery life, resolution, the patterns of reticle, etc. You can visit this post Best Thermal Scopes and Night Vision Scopes with Buying Guide to find out everything you need to know about thermal scopes and how to go about selecting the best ones.
  • GPS System: Any serious hunter is mindful of where they are and where they intend heading towards at a particular time. And while you may guess and be right, a more accurate way to be aware of your location is through the use of your GPS. It doesn’t really add any significant weight to your load as compared to the other items you would be carrying. Even these days, to make things easier for you, many hunting vests come equipped with pockets/compartments designed to aid you easily carry GPS systems.
  • Compass: In the case where your GPS system failed you, because of flat battery or low network coverage, an effective device that can help you find your location is the compass. So do not forget to carry it with you as you head out into the woods.
  • Maps: The map can assist you in planning and tracing your routes through the woods and out. You can also make a sure guess of the areas where you are likely to find the type of game you wish to hunt and this will help you save lots of time. We always advice readers to never forget their physical map at home, even when they have their GPS with them.

Backpack Hunting Gear List


There are a number of very vital things that can easily break or make your hunting trip, and one such item is the clothing that you decide to take with you on the trip. Below are some of the most vital pieces of clothing that you should endeavor to add to your hunting gear list:

  • Outer clothing: This should be according to the environment. The outerwear must be warm and multi-layered allowing it to be both waterproof and maintain the wearer’s body temperature. To keep the backpack light and effective, try not to pack more than one identical items (unless it is necessary) or items that might serve the same purpose. While combining clothing, try to make the lightest combinations. PVC or polypropylene tops and pants are a good choice. We recommend that whatever clothing you wear be one that is as scent free as possible in order to prevent animals from easily noticing your presence from the smell of your clothes thanks to their keen sense of smell.
  • Inner garments: For inner garments, it is the wearer’s choice, and may include underpants and shorts.
  • Extra clothes: A careful selection of extra clothing for a hunting journey will be advantageous to you – especially when you’re going to spend multiple days in the woods. In choosing extra clothing, you should consider such important factors as weight, type of fabric, the amount of warmth the extra cloth provides, and the number of clothes you think can take you through the trip.
  • Hunting boots: One of the core gears needed to hunt is a quality and comfortable pair of hunting boots. Because of how rugged the wild can be and how long you are going to be on your feet during a hunt, we do not recommend that you use any other footwear besides boots made specifically for hunting. You will get your feet injured if you don’t use the appropriate pair of hunting boots, there’s no two ways about that!  A good pair of hunting boots would not only keep your feet protected, but will also enhance your comfort during your expedition into the wild. When deciding on the kind of hunting boots to settle for, some of the very important things you need to look out for include comfort, durability, breathability, etc. To learn more about how to go about choosing the best hunting boots, you can check out this post: Best Hunting Boots with Buying Guide.
  • Socks: A hunter’s feet need to be kept comfortable always. For example, during cold weather conditions, the feet have to be kept warm all the time. And one of the most effective ways to achieve that is by putting your feet in socks before putting them in your hunting boots. Aside from keeping you warm and comfortable, wearing socks can also prevent health issues of the feet such as blisters and athlete’s foot from occurring. Furthermore, when you wear a good pair of breathable and moisture wicking socks, you can save yourself from experiencing foot odor.  We recommend that you not only wear socks, but also pack an extra pair with you.
  • Gloves: Hand gloves are important for a number of reasons. Gloves made of materials such as cloth, leather, or knitted wool will keep your hands warm and protected from extreme cold. They will also keep the hands comfortable and prevent them from being damaged by excessive friction. A pair of rubber or latex gloves is recommended for engaging in an activity such as field dressing your game. In selecting a pair of gloves, go in for one that will not only protect your hands, but that is also durable and comes with a lightweight construction.
  • Rain suit: A rain suit is a must-have gear on every hunting trip that you venture on – especially during the rainy season. A good waterproof suit will keep you sheltered from the rain and save you from the highly frustrating experience of hunting in wet clothes. You should know that in addition to causing you great discomfort, the prolonged wearing of wet clothes can also increase your risks of catching a cold. However, with a simple thing like a rain suit, you can avoid this.
  • Gaiters: Hunting can take you through lots of conditions and terrains where you may have things such as debris, dirt and moisture entering your boots and socks and causing you great discomfort. But you can prevent such instances by simply putting on a pair of gaiters. When purchasing this gear we advice that you focus on such things as durability and comfort.
  • Hunting vest: Hunting vests are one of the prime gears a hunter needs in order to enjoy a successful hunt. They play a very vital part in your journey by housing all or much of your hunting gears. They also offer some protection for you from bad weather and dangerous thickets. There are so many hunting vests on the market now that it is so easy for one to get confused when it comes to selecting the right one. But bearing in mind factors such as durability, lightweight, color and fit can help you make a good choice. You can also check out this post “Best hunting vests with buying Guide”, which can assist you in selecting the hunting vest that is right for you.
  • Hunting Permit: Whether you are an amateur or professional hunter, a hunting license is a must-have once you decide to go hunting. This is necessary to help you avoid any issues with the laws of the state, thereby providing you with the freedom and peace of mind needed to focus on nothing but your hunt. It is worth taking note of the fact that hunting licenses tend to vary from state/region to state/region.
  • Pen/marker: You might be wondering why you’d need a pen or marker in the wild. But the reason is simply because it is what you will use to fill out your license. You should remember that in virtually all jurisdictions in the United States, a hunter is required by law to fill out their carcass tag right at the kill site.

Field Dressing Equipments

If you are lucky enough to make a kill during your hunt, you’d definitely need to field dress the game. And there is nothing better than a field dressing kit to take care of the job. Today, there are many portable and very effective Field Dressing Kits on the market that offer hunters with complete field dressing solutions. Some common examples of such kits include the Victorinox Swiss Army Field Dressing Kit and the Gerber Moment Field Dress Kit I that come in compact and easy-to-carry cases. On the other hand, if you don’t want to shell out money for a store-bought kit, you can opt in for a DIY Field Dressing Kit. A DIY kit should include all the items needed to effectively field dress your kill such as the following:

  • Sanitizing wipes to take of all your cleaning needs while dressing the animal.
  • Rubber gloves to protect your hands from coming into direct contact with the blood and carcass of the animal.
  • Knives to gut, skin, butcher, etc the animal.
  • Small saw to cut bone and tough meat.
  • Paper towels to dry your hands and wipe your tools.
  • Knife sharpener to keep your knives performing at their best throughout the dressing processing.

All these items can be neatly stored in a small bag such as a plastic sandwich bag and placed in your pack.

Food and Drink

Food and water are the most important things you need to lay your hands when you are out in the field since they not only determine how successful your hunt is, but they also can make the difference between life and death.

  • Water bladder/bottle containing water: A water bladder that is full to the brim with drinkable water is as important as the air you breathe. Considering how significantly important water is to your health and life, we strongly suggest that you invest time and money in getting a good water bladder that can contain a substantial amount of water in it to keep you hydrated during your adventure into the wild. No matter what you do, you should never make that grave mistake of heading into the wilderness without the company of your water bladder/bottle. Today, many hunting backpacks provide space for carrying a hydration bladder. Hydration bladders have multiple benefits over water bottles. For example, they are easier and more convenient to use than water bottles.
  • Energy Bars: It’s a good idea to take a few energy bars or a little extra food when you go hunting. Hunting can be fun and exciting when you have enough energy to carry you along. Having energy bars in your person is very important because hunting requires a very high amount of energy expenditure. Energy bars are the best substitute to real meals during a hunt since they provide food energy.
  • Camping stove: Going with a portable camp gas stove will be a good decision especially when you will spend multiple days on your trip since you would surely have to cook. Also in when the weather is very cold, your stove can help you heat some water for washing yourself. There are many brands of stove out there from which you can make a purchase, but it’s worth considering a stove that has features that make it durable, easy to carry and easy to use.
  • Utensils: In addition to the portable stove, you can also bring a small number of utensils like a frying pan, spoon, cup, and plate.
  • Water purifier/filter: With your mobile water purifier or filter on your person, you can make the water in any fresh water body found in the forest clean and pure for drinking. This is very important in the case where the drinkable water you began your journey with gets used up. There are several good mobile water filtration systems available to help you convert water from water bodies such as streams and rivers into potable drinking water. Some good examples of travel-sized and portable water purifiers include the SteriPEN Adventurer Opti Personal, Handheld UV Water Purifier and the Survivor Filter PRO-LE Upgraded 0.01 Micron Nanofiltration Water Purifier.


Just because you are going into the wilderness doesn’t mean you cannot maintain basic hygiene. Maintaining proper hygiene during a hunting trip is easy if you arm yourself with the following items:

  • Toothpaste and toothbrush: If you plan for a hunt that is going to take you more than a day, then having a tube/sachet of toothpaste and a toothbrush in your backpack is certainly necessary since you do not want to compromise your oral health. So make sure you don’t leave these items behind.
  • Soap: For very long hunting expeditions, we recommend that you take along with you a cake of soap that you can use to wash down to prevent body odor and keep yourself smelling fresh. Why is this important? It is important because the average animal in the wild has a sense of smell that is several times greater than that of the average human’s. A good example of such an animal is the deer. And your body odor can easily be perceived by these animals, and that can easily lead to your presence being noticed by the animals. The last thing you want to do is spook game away with the odor emanating from your body. But can I use any and any soap to wash myself? You might ask. We normally recommend that you use scent-free soap in order to prevent any fragrance from the soap easily being perceived by the animals you are hunting. You should know that just as animals can smell your body odor from a distance, they can also smell sweet or perfume-like smell emanating from your body! Also, besides warding off body odor, soaps can also be used to keep your hands and field dressing tools clean.
  • Small towel: Why do you need a towel? It is simply necessary for a number of reasons, including for keeping you dry when you have finished washing yourself.
  • Toilet paper: One of the important rules of hunting is to never venture into the wild without a toilet paper in your pack because you just might not know when nature will call! Taking a toilet paper will save you from using any unhygienic materials such as leaves, corn husks, etc to wipe yourself once you have finished doing your business.

Sleeping and Camping

If your hunt is one that would see you staying overnight in the wilderness, then it is very important that you arm yourself with the following items:

  • Sleeping Bag: For a hunting trip that would last more than a day, you are definitely going to be needing a good sleeping bag that has the ability to keep you warm and comfortable while you rest your bones at night. In addition to having the ability to provide you with comfort, the sleeping bag that you go for should also be fairly lightweight in order to facilitate easy carriage.
  • Tent: A good tent is as important as a good sleeping bag for multiple day hunts. And just like the sleeping bag you pack, the tent must also be light enough to make traveling with it easy. Also, it should be easy to assemble and of course be waterproof.


Safety and Personal Care

You should never take your safety for granted – especially in a desolate place such as in the wilderness. It is for this reason that you need to equip yourself with the following very vital items:

  • First-Aid kit: A First-Aid kit is one of the most important accessories needed for an expedition. It can be a lifesaver at times. But one should add the necessary items to the kit, which are decided according to the environment. For example, if one is going hunting in a rocky terrain, they should carry appropriate bandages and pain relief creams. Please see How to Make a First Aid Kit for Camping.
  • Emergency whistle: One of the most underestimated safety items you can take with you on a hunting trip is an emergency whistle. As the name implies, this whistle is blown when you find yourself in an emergency situation such as when you are lost or in danger and are in a desperate need to let people know your location so they can rescue you.
  • Handheld flares/flare guns: Another excellent safety precaution you can do is to take distress flares with you into the woods. Why are flares important? They are very useful because not too many things can signal for help in desperate situations like flares can.
  • Pain reliever: Including in your pack some pain relief drugs such as aspirins is something that we recommend that every hunter endeavors to do.  This is because with this, you are sure of fending off basic illness before they generate into serious health problems.
  • Bear repellent spray: Bear attacks are among the most common game animal attacks that hunters face in the field. And an excellent way to protect yourself from a bear attack is by arming yourself with a very potent bear spray. Numerous studies have shown that in over 90% of cases, bear repellent sprays have been able to successfully deter and fend off aggressive bears. Considering the effectiveness of this spray, we strongly advice that you carry it with you and keep it within easy reach as you hunt in the backcountry just to keep you protected from bears that might attack you.
  • Bug repellent: The wilderness is rife with all manners of bugs/insects such as mosquitoes, gnats, ticks, etc whose primary goal is to feed on you. Insects are undoubtedly one of the most common problems that outdoorsmen/women have to deal with all the time. Insects and their bites in the wilderness can sometimes become so severe that if care is not taken, you might end up abandoning your hunt and going home. But this situation can be taken care of by the use of an effective bug repellent. And remember that due to the keen sense of smell that most wild animals have, the insecticide/bug repellent that you use must be odorless so that it doesn’t advertise your presence to the animals. A good example of a very effective insect repellent is the Repel 100 Insect Repellent. This bestselling repellent uses the deet formula to offer total protection from insects such as biting flies, ticks, chiggers and mosquitoes.
  • Sunglasses: Despite being a brilliant fashion accessory, sunglasses also perform a wonderful job when it comes to preventing harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun from directly making contact with your eyes and causing them damage. This is why a pair of sunglasses has made into our list.
  • Sunscreen:  Hunting is an activity that requires you to spend long hours in the sun. But too much exposure to the sun’s harmful rays is risky since it can easily lead to health problems. It is therefore advisable to shield yourself from these harmful rays. So if you are a hunter who spends so much time in the sun, then using a sunscreen will be a good thing for you. However, since animals have a keen sense of smell, it is highly advisable that the sunscreen that you use is one that is scent-free.
  • Hat: Hunting can be very tough during sunny conditions, and that is why you need a hat to reduce the amount of heat that reaches your head and body. Wearing a hat not only protects your head and body, but also protects your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun.
  • Flashlight: The sun’s light will go down and the field will eventually become dark. At such moments, no gear becomes as important to you as your flashlight since it is the only device that can give you a clearer view of your surroundings. Also, this item can help you track your kill in the night. You definitely don’t want to go hunting without it!
  • Survival kit: You can also get yourself a good survival kit. Such a kit would normally contain all the necessary and basic tools and supplies that you’d need to stay alive in the event of an Emergency. Such a kit would normally include most of the items already mentioned above and others such as matches, medications, extra batteries, survival knife, lighters, etc. You can easily Make a Survival Kit on your own. Watch DIY Survival Kit on YouTube.

Other important Items to include

As you prep for you hunting adventure, you should know that aside the very useful accessories and gear listed above, there are several other equally relevant items that you can include or attach to your hunting backpack before you head out.

  • Tree stand: If you are going to be hunting deer – especially whitetail deer, then a tree stand is one of the most important gears you’d need to take along with you into the field. Hunting out of a tree stand is hugely advantageous to you as it allows you to sit up in a tree and hunt for deer and other animals from that elevated point where you enjoy a great vantage point and easily spot game over the foliage. These days, there are several well crafted tree stands available for purchase on the market. An example of a good and travel-friendly tree stand is the Summit Treestands Viper SD Climbing Treestand.
  • Knife sharpener: To get the most out of your knife in the field, there’s the need to keep it sharp all the time. And the best way to do this is by the use of a knife sharpener. What type of sharpener should you use? One that is portable, fast and easy to use.
  • Rope: Another vital thing to add in your pack is gear rope. It has a lot of uses and you would surely need it in the field. Without a solid rope, there are a number of very important activities that you would unfortunately be unable to perform. One such activity is pulling your weapons and equipment from the ground when hunting from a tree stand. It is for this reason and many others that it becomes highly advisable to throw into your pack rope that is of a reasonable length and that is thick and strong.
  • Duct tape: A hunter who will not forget to carry this item will do himself a great favor during their expedition into the wild. There are so many reasons why a duct tape is a must-carry-along item on any hunting adventure. Some of the common uses of a duct tape include the following: keeping your tents closed, marking the trails of game, repairing broken tents to keep out water, fixing a water bladder/bottle that is leaking, bandaging wounds, etc. There are indeed countless other important uses of this item in the field.
  • Saw: Arming yourself with a small saw is also necessary in the sense that a saw can be used for so many important things in the field. For example, your hunt might be blessed with a kill, and depending on how tough the bone and meat of the animal is, you might have to use the saw during the field dressing process. A saw can also be used for cutting some wood to make a fire.
  • Rain cover: The skies might be clear and blue, but don’t be deceived by the weather; still go ahead and pack a rain gear because anything can happen. There’s nothing more heart-breaking than having to watch the valuable gear and accessories in your pack get soaked by heavy rain showers. You can protect your expensive gear from being destroyed by wet weather by simply covering it with a rain cover. Today, there are so many easily packable rain covers available on the market that are constructed with lightweight materials. Get any of these rain covers and never head out into the woods without this highly protective gear in your backpack.
  • Hand warmers: Just like your feet, your hands tend to get colder faster than your torso. And hunting with cold hands is bad news! Not only can it have a negative impact on your hunting, but it also has some serious health ramifications. In the field, cold and freezing hands can prevent you from doing a lot of important things. When your fingers and hands are cold, you increase your chances of missing important shots. Sometimes cold hands can even prevent you from picking you from holding your firearm or picking your bow let alone releasing arrows. But you can avoid all these things by doing something as simple as making a hand warmer your hunting companion. There are so many good hand warmers on the marketplace, and a good example of one such hand warmers is the Zippo Hand Warmer.
  • Wipes: Sanitizing wipes are also very important to be included in your pack since they will take care of all your cleaning needs during your hunt. They can be used to get rid of sweat, odor, face paint, etc. They are also very handy during and after field dressing an animal. When going in for wipes, we recommend that you go in for unscented ones so that your cover isn’t blown. Some good examples of unscented sanitizing wipes designed to keep you and your gear clean include the following: Grime BOSS Unscented Hunting Wipes and Lethal ProHunting Field Body Wipes.
  • Camouflage face paint: One of the saddest and most frustrating experiences which any hunter would definitely not want happening to them is this: After a long hunt, you have finally spotted an animal and crept stealthily towards it. You pull out your weapon, but just as you are about pulling the trigger or releasing the arrow, your presence is suddenly detected by the animal and it flees for its life much to your disappointment! To avoid such heart-breaking occurrences, a camouflage face paint will be a great choice to give you the right blend with the field in order to hide your presence from your game. In picking a face paint, we strongly advice that you go in for one that is odorless and easy to remove using simple things such as soap and water. And of course it should also be pocket-sized in order to allow for easy carriage.
  • Cell phone:  Contrary to what some think, a cell phone has a place in hunting and that is why it is very important to carry one with you on your hunting trip. There are numerous reasons why your smartphone can come in handy in the field. Besides helping to keep you in touch with civilization (that is if you get cell coverage), you can also use it to communicate with other hunters, check the time, listen to music or play a game while you wait for the animals. Also you can use it in conjunction with such powerful scopes as the ATN X-Sight II Smart Night Vision Scope and ATN ThOR HD 384 Smart Thermal Riflescope to make hunting easier and more productive. Furthermore, you can even convert your smartphone into a very powerful thermal scope with something like Inteliscope Thermal Scope Bundle for iPhone & Android. Simply put, there are so many important things you can do with your smartphone in the woods.
  • Patience:  Patience, they say has the power to move mountains. How right this adage is! Your gear may be the best on the market and you might have some really serious hunting skills, but trust us, without patience, you would never be able to spot a game let alone capture it and take its carcass home with you. Patience is important in all spheres of life, and the world of hunting is no exception!  It is one of the most important ingredients that almost all experienced and seasoned hunters ensure they take with them into the field in order to ensure success. So don’t forget to inject a little bit of patience into your hunt. The best part is that it comes totally free!  Also, it is the lightest of all the items on the list! As a matter of fact it is so light it literally has no weight!


The above backpack hunting gear list provides an idea of the gear and accessories that one needs to carry. If the hunting backpack is chosen accordingly, one can easily carry all the necessary gear without being too overwhelmed by the weight. In the list, we added all the vital things you’d need in the field, including items ranging from weapons to emergency supplies and clothing. And of course, it is not likely you are going to be in need of all the gear and accessories that have been listed above. Some you might need and some you might not need depending on the type of hunting you’d be engaging in. But all in all, we hope that this very insightful post will not only help you stay organized on your next hunting trip, but will also help transform your hunting trip into a highly successful, comfortable and safe one.

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